Challenge Your Fitness: CrossFit Barbell Club Daily Workout Routine

2023-03-31 06:55:23 By : Ms. Zontop Z
BattleCry Fitness: Week 2 of 4 Barbell Club

Are you ready to push your limits and pump up your strength? Join the Barbell Club at BattleCry Fitness and unleash your inner athlete. This short meso cycle is designed to prepare you for the Pralium event on July 1st and 2nd, giving you the tools and techniques needed to compete at your best.
barbell 6/12/17  BattleCry Fitness

The Barbell Club starts with a challenging warm-up routine that includes three rounds of Club Swings, Club Swipes, and side lunge stretches. This prepares your muscles and joints for the powerful movements ahead.

The main focus of this week's session is on Snatch. With two sets of lifts, you'll fine-tune your technique and improve your power. To fully engage your core and lower body, we'll add a Snatch Duck Walk, which includes 31 repetitions. And to really challenge yourself, you'll perform Overhead Squats with the Bar into the bottom position, taking three steps forward and three steps backward for each rep.

Once you've completed the Snatch routine, it's time to move on to the Metcon. This consists of three rounds of a non-timed circuit that includes 20 strict hanging leg raises, 20 walking mace lunges, 22 curl bar standing curls, and 30 alternating supine dumbbell tricep extensions. This workout is designed to push your limits, build muscle strength and endurance, and give you the energy boost needed for the rest of your day.

One of the most important aspects of any workout is using the right equipment. At BattleCry Fitness, we understand that the right equipment can make all the difference in your performance. That's why we use only the best-quality gear, including Squat Barbell Bars. These bars are designed to provide the right amount of resistance and support for your squat exercises, ensuring you achieve the maximum benefit from your workout.

With BattleCry Fitness, you'll have access to cutting-edge technology, world-class instructors, and dynamic training programs. Our Barbell Club is just one of the many ways we help our clients achieve their fitness goals.

So what are you waiting for? Join BattleCry Fitness today and start your journey to a healthier, stronger you.